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Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Autore "Staller, Heimo"Informazioni | |
Dienstleistungsangebote des Baugewerbes zur Durchführung ökologischer Althaussanierungen.
Tritthart, Wibke | Baumgartner, Birgit | Bleyl, Jan | Bucar, Gerhard | Gindl, Marcus | Haas, Johannes | Späth, Philipp | Staller, Heimo | Supp, Barbara
Low-tech solution for Smart Cities – Optimization tool CityCalc for solar urban design
REAL CORP 2016 – SMART ME UP! How to become and how to stay a Smart City, and does this improve quality of life? Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society
Smutny, Roman | Österreicher, Doris | Sattler, Stefan | Treberspurg, Martin | Battisti, Kurt | Gratzl, Markus | Rainer, Ernst | Staller, Heimo