Criteri di ricerca
Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Autore "Rosasco, Paolo"Informazioni | |
Smart cities for local growth. Experiences in Liguria, Italy. The case studies of the municipalities of Savona and La Spezia.
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. Results of SSPCR 2017. Hrsg: Bisello, Adriano u.a.
Sergi, Giovanni | Rosasco, Paolo | Bianchi, Chiara | Bisello, Adriano | Vettorato, Daniele | Laconte, Pierre | Costa, Simona
Smart Cities for Local Growth. Experiences in Liguria, Italy. The Case Studies of the Municipalities of Savona and La Spezia
Sergi, Giovanni | Rosasco, Paolo | Bianchi, Chiara | Bisello, Adriano | Vettorato, Daniele | Laconte, Pierre | Costa, Simona