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Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Autore "Ferretti, Valentina"Informazioni | |
Governance and urban development processes: Evaluating the influence of stakeholders through a multi-criteria approach. The case study of Trieste.
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. Results of SSPCR 2017. Hrsg: Bisello, Adriano u.a.
Crescenzo, Mauro | Bottero, Marta | Berta, Mauro | Ferretti, Valentina | Bisello, Adriano | Vettorato, Daniele | Laconte, Pierre | Costa, Simona
Governance and Urban Development Processes: Evaluating the Influence of Stakeholders Through a Multi-criteria Approach—The Case Study of Trieste
Crescenzo, Mauro | Bottero, Marta | Berta, Mauro | Ferretti, Valentina | Bisello, Adriano | Vettorato, Daniele | Laconte, Pierre | Costa, Simona