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Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Autore "BAKER, Paul"Informazioni | |
Integral building envelope performance assessment. Final report, volume 3, Subtask B: Evaluation of the methodology and the design tools : advanced envelopes
BAKER, Paul | SAELENS, Dirk | GRACE, Matt | et al. | International Energy Agency
Coordination between territorial and urban development. Final report. On Action 1.1 of the First Action Programme for the implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the EU. [Coordination entre développement territorial et urbain. Rapport final. A propos de l'Action 1.1 du premier Programme d'Actions pour la mise en oeuvre de l'Agenda Territorial de l'UE.]
BAKER, Richard | JUSTENSEN, Per | OOSTEVEN, Peter-Paul | VERDONK, Hans